Eligible participants in contest shall be citizens of or lawful permanent residents of the United States.
All contestants must be bona fide students herein described as any student under the age of twenty (20) years on the date
of the National Contest who is presently enrolled in a high school or junior high school (public, parochial, military, private
or state accredited home school) in which the curriculum of said high school is considered to be of high school level, commencing
with grade nine (9) and terminating with grade twelve (12). Students must be enrolled in high school or junior high school
during the time of participation at any level of The American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest. Contestants
must either be legally domiciled within or attend an educational institution within the Department (State) that they enter
competition. Contestants can enter competition through only one Department.
If you are interested in the ORATORICAL Contest please us an email by clicking here. Please put "ORATORICAL" in the subject
For more information on the American Legion Oratorical Contest click here.